adventure starts 3-30-10

I am taking another long trip. I am not completely sure, where i will end up. The only thing i know with some certainty is that i will arrive in Rome Italy, then head up to Assisi. My goal is to walk across to Santiago Spain. I hope to meet some old and new travel friends along the way. I also hope to introspect and gather experience and wisdom to enrich my life. I believe i will end back up in Asia, and once there I will probably do meditation retreats. this blog will document me, as I get all this sorted!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

6-6-10 Montpellier day 63

6-6-10 Montpellier day 63
I had already decided I would stay an extra day I had a secured place to move to for the evening, the youth hostel. I woke around 8.00 half of the pilgrims were gone already. I definitely did not have enough sleep that night but I could not sleep anymore for now either... the older french woman with the grand daughter was there, and I asked her in german how late she thought I could stay here...she came over to me and sat by me for a while assuring me I could stay as long as I needed, the place was empty now we chatted a bit more..she just exuded so much warmth and kindness... later she would leave too ..and I had that abandoned pilgrim feeling...all others hit the road except for me... I discovered they had free wifi coming into the kitchen from somewhere so I used it to update blogs...I felt a bit weird about staying too long because the hostess the night before had made it clear pilgrims can only stay one around noon... I left with my gear, I definitely limping.. I had gotten a new set of blisters and they were under calluses now... I found an indian restaurant less than a block away and made that my first stop.. I had not even had coffee yet... so I had bean type dish and friendly kind service and of course my coffee... from there I continued a very slow walk towards the youth hostel I got there an hour early there was not place outside it to sit... so I headed back to a cafe I saw.. I sat under the awning and had a beer which I nursed while again playing on started pouring rain...all the fine dinners who'd sat outside had to run in and waitstaff bustled around...i had picked the perfect spot..i was still outside able to enjoy the rain without getting me, my gear, and electronics wet... and the rain stopped just as it was time for me to go to the hostel... the door was open and a line of young backpackers were already waiting outside... it felt like a long time for each person to check in..but finally it was my turn.. I did not have a hostel pass but I had my credentials which apparently work the same way here.. I got some linens and a bed assignment... the room had bunk beds perhaps for 12 people...these were not mixed dorms.. I ended up having only two room mates which is always better. I only met one, a young swiss woman traveling with her boyfriend..they were also walking but not as pilgrims they had come from switzerland and had also walked along the italian and french coast ...they headed inland a bit but soon they would turn towards the coast again, their destination was Barcelona... after shower, I went back out again and found a gyro place run by a friendly young Bangladeshi... I got something similar to a fallafel with really spicy sauce... even the french fries came with three diff dipping sauces: A curry sauce, a tamarind sauce and a hot sauce... then back to the hostel … I hung out in the common room and did some mantras and writing...then by 8.30pm I was already in bed...i slept with waking but slept through till 8am in the morning. I still had not really seen much of anything of Montpellier

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